85 mm front door

85 mm front door
85 mm construction depth

With the new aluplast front door system, you can breathe easy by combining safety with design, noise protection, weather resistance and burglary protection...


Construction depth

1,3 W/m²K

Uf value

0,74 W/m²K

Best Ud value

up to RC2


Leaf-enclosing option

To lend your home’s facade an extra elegant touch, aluplast has come up with an interesting solution: With a special profile for full-coverage fillings, the new aluplast front doors meet the highest design standards, helping you to create a chic and stylish front door. There plenty of filling options available to choose from: Be it metal, PVC or the latest on-trend option of ceramic, aluplast profiles are compatible with all standard filling materials.

Technical details


85 mm construction depth

Uf=1.3 W/m²K

Ud=0.94 W/m²K with standard-triple-glazing with Ug=0.6 and Psi=0.040 W/mK

Ud=0.80 W/m²K best possible option with triple glazing with Ug=0.4 and Psi=0.030 W/mK

Ud=0.74 W/m²K best possible option with panel with Up=0.4 and (Psi=0.000 W/mK)

Up to RC2 burglary protection

The backstop gasket system enables robust and strong striker plates to be used

Use of suitable safety hardware

Outstanding burglary protection guaranteed

Optimum protection thanks to high quality and safety standards

Large steel chamber for strong stability

Weldable corner connectors for high stability

Up to 51 mm glazing / panel

Wide range of lamination options

Available with aluskin® aluminium shells (wide array of colours)

Recessed version


Concealed drainage is possible

Optional leaf-enclosing filling