Schüco AWS 75.SI

SI (super insulation) profiles meet the strictest regulations on energy saving and the insulating properties can be measured with PVC 5-chamber profiles and are suitable for installation in low-energy buildings. Thanks to innovative interrupted thermal bridges with sponge and multi-chamber middle gasket of large proportions, it meets the highest requirements in terms of thermal insulation with heat transfer coefficient profile of just Uf = 1.3 W / m2K.

Dimensions and design
Dimensions: construction depth frame 75mm, wing 85mm
Classic flat profile design with the possibility of installing rounded glass.

Insulating properties
Thermal insulation profile: Uf = 1.3 W / m2K.

The original Schüco hidden fittings allow large casement dimensions and transparent architecture.

All aluminum carpentry is available in all RAL colors, spray colors and various wood imitations.

Maintenance is simple and easy due to very smooth surface and material and color.